I don't know, I respect the effort that does into creating the neccesary equations and algorithms to do all this DPS. But at the same time it does make me feel rather empty.
inscho wrote:digital fuzz. a clear winner in my book
Don't be a fucking snob.
If you don't know how it sounds then don't comment. I personally don't think you could tell an analogue fuzz from a digital through a nice amp. You know all them CDs you love? Digital. Your myspace songs? Digital.
inscho wrote:digital fuzz. a clear winner in my book
Don't be a fucking snob.
If you don't know how it sounds then don't comment. I personally don't think you could tell an analogue fuzz from a digital through a nice amp. You know all them CDs you love? Digital. Your myspace songs? Digital.
Don't be a muppet.
I don't like the dirt sounds on the gt-6/8....all thats COSM right? and you're right it could be good...I hope it is, because the layout looks really cool and I'm a big fan of boss fuzz tones....but I haven't played digital dirt of any kind that I've liked yet.
and I think people could tell the difference between a real big muff and a COSM big muff through a clean amp..... it might not be as noticeable through a cranked marshall though
Some of it is true. Digital when it's done properly is good. Delays and reverbs for example. I just think a lot of digital stuff out there is hampered due to it being low cost gear with bad components.
I love using Guitar Rig, you can get some pretty authentic sounds out of it, but that is purely software and I'm using an EMI interface to get the sound in then using HD25s to monitor with.