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Moog Murf
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:12 pm
by Mr Mustache
I know Hurbs got a Moog but does anyone have/ Had a Murf? I really like the sound clips on the Moog Website, it so cool sounding when in Stereo.
anyone tried one? any opinions?
i maybe trading my DMM and Epihone Strat for a Murf with power supply and expression pedal.
Listen here
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:33 pm
by Doog
Took me a good minute to find the fucking sample buttons, crap website layout f'real.
Sounds pretty neat- an awful lot of scratch for a pedal though..
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:40 pm
by Mr Mustache
Doog wrote:Took me a good minute to find the fucking sample buttons, crap website layout f'real.
Sounds pretty neat- an awful lot of scratch for a pedal though..
yeah that site does suck pretty bad.
scratch as in Moneyz? yeah i wouldn't pay almost 500 bucks for a pedal, hell no, but i'll trade my $250 DMM and a $90 strat for a $450 pedal with a power supply and $40 expression pedal!
it's got some cool sounds but i think i'd rather have that new FreqBox. that was awesome.
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:37 pm
by Sublimedo
Mr Mustache wrote:Doog wrote:Took me a good minute to find the fucking sample buttons, crap website layout f'real.
Sounds pretty neat- an awful lot of scratch for a pedal though..
yeah that site does suck pretty bad.
scratch as in Moneyz? yeah i wouldn't pay almost 500 bucks for a pedal, hell no, but i'll trade my $250 DMM and a $90 strat for a $450 pedal with a power supply and $40 expression pedal!
it's got some cool sounds but i think i'd rather have that new FreqBox. that was awesome.
The Murf sounds good, but from what I heard is incredibly hard to get a practical use out of. I'd definitely go for the FreqBox, shit sounds sick. I wanna get one eventually.
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:46 pm
by Mr Mustache
yeah it does. i think i'm gonna stick with the murf for a while and maybe try to get an even trade on the FreqBox when it comes out.
FreqBox-$300 and change
so yeah hopefully this will help me get the Freqbox
the dude seems interested so i'm stoked
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:52 pm
by Sublimedo
Mr Mustache wrote:yeah it does. i think i'm gonna stick with the murf for a while and maybe try to get an even trade on the FreqBox when it comes out.
FreqBox-$300 and change
so yeah hopefully this will help me get the Freqbox
the dude seems interested so i'm stoked
pretty sweet deal, dude!
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:10 pm
by James
Too much auto pan for my liking, still sounds quite cool though.
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:48 pm
by Mr Mustache
yeah i'm kinda wondering how this will sound when it's just plugged up to one amp....
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:32 pm
by Hurb
sorry iam late on this dude.
but heres a video in wonderful techni colour ...
it doesn't really do that much for me really, well not anuff on my budget. if i had more coin i would get one just for shits and giggles.
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:06 pm
by Mr Mustache
cool hurb thanks for the vid, i really wanted to punch that guy in the face tho, he's so damn boring. But i think i'll really using the murf
which moog do you have? i just tried the Ring mod and i loved the damn thing
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:08 pm
by Hurb
the ring mod yep. its kool but once you get over the wild and crazy noises iam a bit lost at how to use it musicaly. not that it cant be musical its just i need to sit down with it for like 3 days and just tweak and write stuff down
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:12 pm
by Mr Mustache
lol yeah i figured that, i played with it for about a half hour. i told my friend at GC that i was getting the Murf and he said oh well we have a moog here, someone special ordered it for their self. WOW i was so happy because i've never played throught a moog before!
It sounds awesome, and it's very fun, i like to see people use them lightly ya know, tastefully
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:19 pm
by Hurb
Mr Mustache wrote:lol yeah i figured that, i played with it for about a half hour. i told my friend at GC that i was getting the Murf and he said oh well we have a moog here, someone special ordered it for their self. WOW i was so happy because i've never played throught a moog before!
It sounds awesome, and it's very fun, i like to see people use them lightly ya know, tastefully
I am giving mine a break for a while, so when i go back to it i will have a fresh mind to use it. i found some really usable sounds. but they already been used i found out later.... i hate when that happens.
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:27 pm
by Mr Mustache
that sucks i hate that too, i hate it even more when i think i come up with a sweet guitar part and then i hear it somewhere, example: John Mayer, damn it
but i guess a ring mod would only have so many useable sounds, but i'd love to run it with some delay or other cool pedals