Orange RV50 Sound Samples

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Orange RV50 Sound Samples

Post by Thom »

Been a bit busy with the new house and so have only just managed to do this - giving myself a day off from DIY today.
Anyway, here is the file:

I should have turned off the snare drum in the room but nevermind.

Amp EQ settings are all at 12 o'clock. I'm using my Mustang with both pickups on. Really basic stuff just to get the sounds across.

First bit is clean channel.
Second is dirty channel with the gain at 9 o'clock.
Third gain at 12 o'clock.
Fourth gain at 3 o'clock.
Finally gain at max, 5 o'clock.
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Post by Mike »

downloading now.
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Post by Mike »

I can get the idea but I think your mic placement might have been a little off - whereabouts did you point the mic and how far from the speaker cab was it? It feels pretty far back... You're best to close mic (1" from the cloth) and just to the edge of the speaker.

Having said that the worst "honk" offenders are the clean and low gain samples - and you can really get that lovely Orange gain impression from the gain at higher levels. Sounds like a beautiful amp.
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Post by Doog »

Thanks for that duder, shame the recording doesn't really show off the amp too well. :/
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Post by Thom »

Yeah it is a shame - I borrowed our bass player's recorder (new Boss Micro BR - which in itself is awesome), but I didn't have an adaptor for the mic lead to plug into it so I had to use the built in mic with the recorder on the other side of the room - not great.
Gonna try and do a better sample, like you said Mike with a proper mic near the speaker.
But yeah, I do really love this amp.
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Post by kim »

yeah, trying to get a recording that does the amp justice may take up more time, setting everything up, but thanks for sharing that demo, i'm looking fwd to you having some more time to record stuffs proper, i bet it sounds killer over there :) , too bad you can't really hear it in on the recording