I don't have any info on these except they're made by a company registered as BEIJING INNOVATIVE LINKAGE TECHNOLOGY LTD. Look like copies but they're using the names of some EHX products so I don't know if they're legal copies or just bootlegs.
these are the funniest to me.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
I swore for a second this pedal which I think is a hot-rodded Big Muff said "HIV +", ROFFLES.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
I want to try the Graphic Fuzz. The PT-80 delay would be interesting too.
Yo Hurb, caps were sent earlier, envelope securely tapes and nothing left in my pocket this time. My flatmate thought I was sending someone some interesting pills.
euan wrote:I want to try the Graphic Fuzz. The PT-80 delay would be interesting too.
Yo Hurb, caps were sent earlier, envelope securely tapes and nothing left in my pocket this time. My flatmate thought I was sending someone some interesting pills.
PenPen wrote:
They are making a direct copy of the DIY project Shaka Tube?! With the same name!?
what the heck is the Shaka Tube project, a gain box?
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
PenPen wrote:
They are making a direct copy of the DIY project Shaka Tube?! With the same name!?
what the heck is the Shaka Tube project, a gain box?
Sorry, there is actually a project called the Shaka HV, and it is solid state. I was mixing it up with a variation pedal that uses a tube, based around this circuit. It is a DIY project created by the founder and operator of the DIYStompboxes forum, Aron Nelson.
euan wrote:
I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
Agreed. However, stompswitches can be changed pretty cheaply to nice ones, so that isn't too big of a deal for me. Are these available anywhere? If I could I would order the Small Clone...clone, right now.
euan wrote:
I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now