My two biggest current options are getting the VOX AD100VTH:

With a cheap 2x12 or 4x12, whatever's cheapest when I look for one. I've played the VOX AD50VT and it's impressive. It may be all digital and fake and may only have one valve stuck in there, but it got some neat sounds out of it. It's got about 11 preset distortion sounds designed to sound like other amps and there are some cool ones in there, and there are some onboard effects, and it even has a preamp knob on the back which kinda works as a master master volume switch. I was pretty set on this, right up until I realised how cheap the Peavey Valve King is...

100 watts, all valve, has 2 footswitchable channels plus a boost. My only concerns with this are that I haven't played one of these, 100 watts seems like a lot for anything less than a large gigging venue, and being a very cheap valve amp I'm slightly worried it might be cheap in quality.
Anyway, you guys know best, what do you recommend? Any better ideas for my money (£400ish)? Thanks.