Played my first gig with the JVM tonight
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:23 pm
It was soooo good. Everything just sounded great. Opened up this amp sounds exactly like I want it to. I went over to my folks empty place (they're in Aus at the moment, bless 'em) to play it loud and finalise my settings and presets and ended up with:
1. Clean - Green Spanky Twinesque clean tone
2. Crunch - Orange Tight Crunch, when I strike the strings hard it breaks up lots, Gain at 3 o'clock
3. OD1 - Green a Heavier Crunch than 2 with some more bass and umpf, looser - Gain at 12 o'clock
4. Crunch - Red A little louder and fuller than 3 for lead breaks
5. Clean - Orange Very plexi-esque for mellow lead parts/chording
6. Master Volume 1->2->1 Toggle.
I was loving it. In fact the guitarists from the band we were supporting were guitar nerds too, both had Marshall TSL122s which they had dialed to sound great and one had a nice compact pedalboard with an MXR Zack Wylde overdrive, Bluesbreaker II, Regenerator, TU-2 and Morley Wah (yuck) on. They knew all about the JVM but had never seen or played one and were super impressed. Afterwards one of them was like - "I have to buy that thing."
So happy. What an amp. Honeymoon is over, this thing is here to stay.
First band on the guy had a pedalboard that would put hurb to shame: EHX White Finger, Clone, Stone, Microsynth, Drivemaster, Badmonkey, DE-7, Roland synth thing because his guitar had a pickup thing. They were funk, he made his guitar sound like a fucking piano!
1. Clean - Green Spanky Twinesque clean tone
2. Crunch - Orange Tight Crunch, when I strike the strings hard it breaks up lots, Gain at 3 o'clock
3. OD1 - Green a Heavier Crunch than 2 with some more bass and umpf, looser - Gain at 12 o'clock
4. Crunch - Red A little louder and fuller than 3 for lead breaks
5. Clean - Orange Very plexi-esque for mellow lead parts/chording
6. Master Volume 1->2->1 Toggle.
I was loving it. In fact the guitarists from the band we were supporting were guitar nerds too, both had Marshall TSL122s which they had dialed to sound great and one had a nice compact pedalboard with an MXR Zack Wylde overdrive, Bluesbreaker II, Regenerator, TU-2 and Morley Wah (yuck) on. They knew all about the JVM but had never seen or played one and were super impressed. Afterwards one of them was like - "I have to buy that thing."
So happy. What an amp. Honeymoon is over, this thing is here to stay.
First band on the guy had a pedalboard that would put hurb to shame: EHX White Finger, Clone, Stone, Microsynth, Drivemaster, Badmonkey, DE-7, Roland synth thing because his guitar had a pickup thing. They were funk, he made his guitar sound like a fucking piano!