Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:04 pm
i predict stickers.
We're trying to spare him having to fuck up the body of his current JS. We found him a warmoth body that is already bare, already contoured and already routed universal. And it's CHEAP! He won't even need to pre-sand it, it'll be ready for primer when he gets it. So he could either take it to his dads painter or attempt the job himself, fuck it up, have ot re-sand it down and then take it to his dads painter. The choice is his and it'll still cost him probably under 200 pounds all told.Haze wrote:fixedendsjustifymeans wrote: ... I'm waiting for you to realize that 2+2 does in fact equal 4 5.
but that would take a lot longer for him to realize...
finish it yourself. i did it with a tele it's not that hard
sand the fuck out of it
route it to shite
sand some more
sandy mcsand sand
any pics of the jstang in it's current state?
I think 25% of this thread has been fishing for some pics, so.....................Haze wrote:any pics of the jstang in it's current state?
its worthless alright.silly_rabbit_band wrote:I think 25% of this thread has been fishing for some pics, so.....................Haze wrote:any pics of the jstang in it's current state?
I second thissilly_rabbit_band wrote:
Or the SRB & DUDE SUCK AT SHORTSCALE thread.....Josh wrote:This is starting to seem a lot like a the_dude/josh thread...
JUST WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THATBacchusPaul wrote:and pictures of people talking about pictures of their cats.
SRB/DUDE(AKA JOSH) TAKE OVER 09!BacchusPaul wrote:Soon, the entire internet will be a mess of SRB and the dud's posts